Friday, 9 July 2021

More of Jeremy's Wairaka legend retell

I did some more work about Wairaka saving her tribe while the men were on the island.  What was your favourite part in my story?


Wairaka called her Tribes  . Yes Wairaka they said help me paddled. A woman next to a tall  man was the Only man that get out Because he was sick  . she ran up to the Front of the waka she said  this your not Allowed  to Pedal  she said on are  very Snooty  vice . Wairaka had to doing Because  it was the Only safe her  tribe . She said this look do you want to die? She said  no   at all . Exactly, she said .  that will be  Terrible  . Ok let's do this so her thrides kia Whakatane au i ahau . let me At  like  a man  she  yelled with pound she got the waka moving . Everyone was   chearing the men was happy the men got on . 

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Jeremy's Fantastic amazing Wairaka story

Hey Bloggers. We have been learning about Wairaka and her Tribe. Here is the start of my retell about the time Wairaka saved here tribe. Have you heard of this story before?

Once upon a time there was a woman called Wairaka  and her ngati Awa tribe, they were looking for an island. They saw an island and the men went to see if it was good. This not good at all said Chief  and its  too Quiet  and a man went off the waka and he Walked  on the sand. He said this is too hot. He yelled. It was 25 degrees .

They went back on the boat  that went past Tauranga then suddenly a big storm came and lightning and the wind made the waka rock dangerously. Wairaka had a plan. It was fantastic. She wanted to save the children and the women.  The waka started to sink. I don't do something soon, we will all die, Wairaka screamed as loud as a building collapsing. Then she had the best plan ever.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Jeremy's Really Amazing Super Great Cultural Unity Day Slides

Ladies and gentleman, it's a lovely day today, I see that you have checked my amazing blog. I hope you like it and comment on it, I will be really happy and I will give you 11 fidgets. 
Blog  ya later folk/fellows!!!

Thursday, 1 July 2021

jeremy's super amazing tips for blogs

On Thursday miss green came  after morning tea ton our chass she told us about blogs she said they you need are catchy title then we went on our computers. Here is a Google Slide showing what I have learnt.